Saturday, April 25, 2009

Virgin Winner

I am a virgin winner. I enter every "win this" give-away on countless blogs that I follow, that I stumble upon, that I just lurk on and have yet to win anything.

The glorious give-away free reads blog has free give-aways and I have won a cool book. Can't wait. Will read it first thing it arrives. SWEAR!
Then I'll pass it on to my daughter, who'll read it on the car-ride home (she's like a speed reader, very very focused that one) and then she'll pass it on.
and so on,
and so on,
Happy Saturday everyone! Hope you get a chance to read and to enjoy the nice weather (if you have it in your parts!)


Robin said...


I have been feeling very lucky because I won both Sarah's Borders card and lil bee's headbands. I think I need to "pay it forward" and do a giveaway on my blog. Any ideas, friend??

dianna said...

Lucky you!
Rub the screen next time you visit my blog ok? (I'll take every bit I can get!)