Friday, October 10, 2008

Fun Fact Friday - TGIF edition

Ta Ta for now folks, soon I'm off to Orlando for a work related va-ca to Disney for my company's newest edition to the Health and Wellness arena. It's not a total vacation. It's work related. I wish I had thought to arrange guest bloggers for you, my dear readers - but I've been so very very busy lately that I've not had time to read much less type away myself.

So, that's the only fact.

I'm glad it's Friday-take care, be well and see you soon as I return on the 20th! ( I know, I know, I'll have lost all my readers by then, but you are all true blue, right?)


Lisa said...

I'm still here, and blue as a Smurf.

Amy Plumb said...

Have a blast!