Monday, February 15, 2010

Good News! I'm alive!

I feel sorry for those who came to read my blog posts. I've been so absent. So sorry about that.

This week has been one hectic chaos after another.
At work we had a sprinkler head freeze and BLOW! Spraying a continuous flow of water all over our waiting room, pouring through the floor, under doors and seeping into my office and conference room, several other offices and through to our business office. We are in a state of shock, and yet, staying open and still seeing patients. We've put chairs up and down one hallway, rerouting the traffic through the side employee entrance.

It's a hot mess.

and a humid one.

Even though the temperature outside is close to zero, the inside is hot and muggy due to the fans and dehumidifiers trying to soak up all the water.

I miss my desk.

So, I've not had time to blog - by the time my tired butt reaches home, I am half asleep with fatique.

Oh, and by the way, if you are the spammer that keeps leaving wierd comments in my comment section, kindly move on.
I'll try to be more vigilant in the future. Maybe in March. Could still be in February.


Bacardi Mama said...

What a rotten time at work. Glad to hear from you though. Hope things dry up soon and you can be back for good.

JackeeG4glamorous said...

YOU know it! I hate it when you work so hard at work...then turn around and work so hard at home, don't you? It's the plight of working women everywhere!

Susan said...

Ohhh, that does not sound like fun! I hope there isn't any serious and permanent damage. See you when you get back to bloggin'!

JackeeG4glamorous said...

It was awful, but getting back to normal now. Lots of watterlogged walls, and P-U smelled like a wet dog.
$$$$$ to our insurance, but otherwise just a pain. Since I'm not hourly, and I'm in charge of the building as well as the practice, I had to be there this weekend during the clean up.
I'm tired.

Cyndee Gonzalez said...

Jackee - love your topics.